October 8, 1997
Hitachi to Release High-end 9000V Series UNIX Server- Realizing world-leading performance as a UNIX server -With enterprises now introducing intranets and data warehouses in earnest, UNIX- and PC-based servers are playing a central role in enterprise mainstream processing systems and new systems. UNIX servers are highly suited to those applications, and users continue to demand even higher levels of performance and reliability from those systems. In April 1993, Hitachi released the 3500 series, and then in July 1995 the HITACHI 9000V Series, which is a line of workstations/servers compatible with Hewlett-Packard's HP-UX operating system offered as a system solution utilizing leading-edge functionality and an extensive set of ISV software. Based on a comprehensive, broad-based partnership, Hitachi and Hewlett-Packard have established a strategic alliance in both hardware and software technologies. The two companies undertook joint development of ultrahigh-speed RISC chips and are now working to make key features of 64- bit HP-UX available for high-end and mission- critical server systems. According to Kenichi Furumaya, executive managing director of Hitachi, Ltd., "Servers are becoming an increasingly important part of corporate information systems. This new high-end UNIX server offers a world-class level of performance and reliability. By providing a flexible solution to a range of needs in areas such as intranets and data warehousing, the VT800 contributes to enhancing productivity and to increasing revenues of customer enterprises." In the words of Bill Russell, vice-president and general manager of Enterprise Servers Group of Hewlett-Packard Company, "The market introduction of the high- performance, high-reliability VT800 will lead to increased use of PA-RISC and HP-UX, and by extension will stimulate the overall market for UNIX servers." Masao Terazawa, Executive Director and Representative Director and General Manager of Japan Computer Organization, Hewlett-Packard Japan, Ltd., said that "The VT800 is targeted at users who require a high degree of RAS (Reliability Availability, Serviceability) functionality, and meets increasingly sophisticated and diverse solution needs." The VT800 can be equipped with up to 16 64-bit PA-8000 CPUs in an SMP configuration. Systems equipped with the full 16 CPUs are capable of processing twice the transactions of the current high-end model. Processors are linked by Hitachi's crossbar switching network, which enables data transfer rates of up to 26.8 gigabytes per second and improves performance scalability. The VT800 is available with Hewlett-Packard's HP-UX10.20 or HP-UX11.0 operating system. HP-UX11.0, the latest version of the 64-bit operating system, speeds up operation of large-scale applications and processing of large quantities of data. ISV software such as Oracle, Sybase, Informix and SAP R/3 is supported, as well as Hewlett-Packard and Hitachi middleware and system management tools, for optimized solutions to mainstream mission-critical processing tasks, online transaction processing and large- scale database systems. "Since VT800 runs HP-UX, the large body of ISV software written for HP-UX can be used without modification. For users of the VT800, this is a major plus, and helps provide users with solutions that are timely and efficiently matched to their needs," said Furumaya. Hewlett-Packard will also be cooperating with Hitachi on the marketing of the VT800, initially by offering Hitachi-brand VT800 systems in Japan as part of its solutions lineup. Product support will be offered by Hitachi, with technical support from Hewlett-Packard. Hitachi and Hewlett-Packard plan to provide more comprehensive support for mission-critical applications. Hitachi intends to continue to provide high-reliability servers running under open platforms such as UNIX and Windows NT. Support is steadily being implemented for key components of future server systems such as the new 64-bit architecture from Intel Corp. and Hewlett-Packard, and 64-bit HP-UX and Windows NT, as part of the company's policy of providing total solutions that meet the advanced, diversified needs of users. Hitachi, Ltd., headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is one of the world's leading global electronics companies, with fiscal 1996 (ending March 31, 1997) consolidated sales of 8,523 billion yen (68.7 billion dollars*). The company manufactures and markets a wide range of products, including computers, semiconductors, consumer products and power and industrial equipment. For more information on Hitachi, Ltd., please visit Hitachi's Web site at http://www.hitachi.co.jp. * At an exchange rate of 124 yen to the dollar. Hewlett-Packard Company is a leading global provider of computing, Internet and intranet solutions, services, communications products and measurement solutions, all of which are recognized for excellence in quality and support. It is the second-largest computer supplier in the United States, with computer-related revenue in excess of 31.4 billion dollars in its 1996 fiscal year. HP has 120,500 employees and had revenue of 38.4 billion dollars in its 1996 fiscal year.
Outline of new product
(*2) Secondary cache memory provided per pair of processors. (*3) Includes one-way CPU, 256 MB memory, 4 GB HDD, DAT, CD-ROM, Console, and HP-UX11.02 user license.
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