Recently, the public is very conscious of energy saving, and so it is necessary to use energy more effectively in office buildings. Energy & Equipment Management Service precisely predicts energy demand in buildings, monitors and controls air conditioners, lighting and other electrical equipment, and provides a safe, pleasant and eco-friendly office environment. In addition, our Service in addition, our Service makes energy consumption visible and supports energy-saving activities of workers in buildings. Using the cloud service, our Service can collectively control energy consumption in multiple buildings in remote areas to efficiently control energy consumption and reduce operation cost.
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We do not use much electricity, but our bill is high. We think we mostly use electricity during peak times. Is there an effective solution to lower our bill?
We wish to shift the peak time of our electricity consumption, but manually altering the peak time of our operating equipment is a difficult task.
Applying energy cost reduction targets to the operating plan for multiple facilities and equipment is not an easy task.
Applying CO2 reduction targets to the operating plans for multiple facilities and equipment is not an easy task.
Despite having a plan with clear targets in place, our performance for some reason deviates from that plan.
We have many facilities to manage, with each facility requiring different management methods and systems depending on the type of equipment and timing of establishment.
We do not have the technical expertise to operate our own power supply equipment and supply power to our systems.
We are concerned that certain systems and equipment that are essential to people's safety may stop functioning during power outages.
We wish to enhance the value of our building by raising awareness about its eco-friendly systems, and thus have visitors participate in energy-saving activities.
We would like to introduce an energy management system, but are unable to take on new personnel.
We do not know which instructions to issue to on-site managers for various facilities or departments.
Electricity, gas, and water services are managed separately, making it difficult to arrive at an overall picture of the data and formulate plans.
Compiling reports for the government or municipalities is a time-consuming task.
We would like to discuss system operation costs at our management meeting, but cannot extract cost data from the large amount of available data.